Not much to say except we could talk about COLOR

This is what happens when you leave your crayons out in the sun
One of the more interesting things I read about my pal Gene is that he was so particular about his color. He spent so much time with it and was always trying to improve the way he paints and how to make to most of it.
He spent a lot of time on how to shade (how was the best way to enrich the shading)
Geney said and I quote from his diary or journal "...add black to a color is not that crative half tone but only to sully the color true half-tone should be made by adding not black, but the complementary of the color thus neutralizing it..."
Here is a helpful chart so you know your
He also had some fun ideas for skin as well
I never would have thought to do that! I actually want to try this for myself on some art that I might be working on.
Heres another rumor though
are you ready for this
Our dear Delacroix might not have thought of this idea!
There was a man named Chevreul and he had the same color idea. but its not proven if Delacroix know about Chevreul idea because they tend to do somethings different. But I think he might have known