One for the romantic
This one is pretty self explanitory but if you are still clueless I will give you some important details about it.
The woman in the middle is Liberty she is leading the way for the French people. During the revolutionary war. The flag she is holding which is known to be the French flag was not so at the time. It was the French Revolutionary flag.
Guess who won!
In case you don't know Liberty isn't really a real person she is an allegory or an allegorical figure, for the word liberty, kind of like a goddess.
Liberty was actually modeled from an actual woman which is kind of scandalas considering Liberty isn't suppose to be a real woman. Which is kind of silly I think. I mean she is suppose to be one so why not take a woman as a model?
its that whole nude modisty thing
The French are so prude
Its okay for goddesess and Aligorical figures to be nude but not regular women.
Wouldn't want people to know we have legs and ankles.
I think Delacroix wanted to show off his ablility to draw the nude and wasn't expecting such negative respones to his Liberty. Or maybe he did, or at least expected it a little bit of criticism considering his model wasn't the most respectable woman around. in fact I believe she was a prostitute.
And Liberty is surely not a prostitiute.
Or so we think...
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