This is a good example of Eugenes intrest in oriental or just something thats different and not European.
You can see that Eugene is intrested in costumes he loved the different clothing he found Fance to be boring.
I found it interesting though that with as much intrest as Eugene had with other cultures and other places that Attila doesn't really look Asian in this painting.
He looks very euopean. I could be that Delacroix didn't really know what he looked like but I also heard that Attila was half asian.
We will give Eugene the benifit of the doubt.
Remember how we said Delacroix liked color and being expressive with his paint brush...
okay maybe we didn't say the paint brush part but I'm telling ya now.
if you look at Attila's horse you will see ther rare intensity of the horse.
Just because of the brush stroke
A really magyar is Ur-asian, so the Magyar population in nowadays HUNGARY is only 10%-15% av Hungary, the other is german-slovac people. I wonder of wonders who is european, what means, superior tribes????? bullsheat.