This is Eugene Delacroix. Rumor has it that his full name was Fredinand Victor Delacroix, but probably due to much teasing he shortened his name to Eugene. Rumor also has it that he shouldn't even really be a Delacroix his "father" had some major surgery that makes it almost impossible for Eugene to be his son, So he is just a secret "or not so secret"love child, and since he is changing his name and isn't really a Delacroix he should have worked harder on a more interesting or catchy name. Could have helped him sell more art.
working out a little wouldn't have
hurt either...
I know what your thinking... I want to buy soo much art!
Delacroix was born in 1798 and died in 1863 so he was 65 years old when he died. But in that 65 years so much happened Napoleon was still at large when he was born to the American Civil war across the pond. A lot has happend and a lot has changed in Delacroix's life time and so has his art.
He is known for being a Romantic painter
awwww how sweet

He wasn't just any old romantic painter he was the "THE" Romantic painter Delacroix was considered to be the greatest (or the Best) Romnatic figure pantier! He was the only master therefore he is the leader. I guess that wasn't enough for our good ole Fredin or Gene, or whatever he goes by these days, no, no it was not enough!
Eugene also started to lean twords impressionism. I don't think it happened on purpose or that he decided one day that he was gonna be one. He had such loose brush strokes and I think he was just experimenting and one day poof he's an impressionist
now thats pretty impressive. He was also know for being an realist and an orientalist but we will get into that later
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