"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" Hamlet quote (Act II, Sc. II). Oh Hamlet
Delacroix actually really loved music, art and litature they were his three loves
since he never tied the knot with anyone.
Delacroix loved plays when it came to all three of these art forms Eugene loved the classics best.
Its not that he didn't like contemporary stuff its just that when he compared the two the classics always came on top.
its not that he didn't admire the new thrilling bold ideas. He found though that the new ideas if they were polished and prefected like the Classics do they would be the best that they ever possibly could be.
So sorry Shakespear Delacroix found that Racine was the supreme dramatist.
Although Racine never inspired any art....strange
Even though Delacroix liked the classics more he himself was considered contemporary.
How Ironic
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